WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1-64000 Responsible for the resolution of shadows in the game.I recommend to put a 256 or at the most weak machines a value of 1. RenderDevice.VSyncEnable (0-1): Disables The Vert.Synchronization (an increase of 7-10 fps!) To hide this overlay, use the Render command.PerfOverlayVisible 0. You can experiment with the in-game settings until, until you find a stable reduction of curves to moderate values. Using this graph, you can constantly to ensure that neither of the two lines does not rise too often to too high values, because such behavior would indicate that one of the processors (GPU or CPU) is too overloaded and it can begin lags and other manifestations of instability in the game. The load on the graphics card (GPU) is shown by the green line, and the load on the Central processing unit (CPU) – yellow. Render.PerfOverlayVisible (0-1) - if this command is set to 1, then in the lower left corner of the screen you will see a small graph that will display key information about your system performance while playing BF3. RenderDevice.Dx11Enable (0-1) Enable/vyklyuchili use DirectX11 in the game. RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit (0-100) sets the maximum number of personnel that can prepare your processor before treating with vidokarty.Graphics cards from Nvidia have the same feature in the control panel(From ATI don't know, maybe, too), so I recommend to experiment, but be warned that the above values are 3 possible delays in keyboard and mouse.I recommend to try the value 0 and in the drivers and in the game. RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable (0-1) the Use of triple buffering in the game.If you have disabled vertical sync this command is mandatory for inclusion into the configuration because initially this option is enabled even after disabling vertical sync,and because of this, there are various glitches. Render.PerfOverlayVisible (0-1) Displays the GPU usage/CPU game in real time. Render.DrawFps (0-1) - Displays fps(can be used as analogous programs like FRAPS) Left team right description and possible values.

To create a folder with the established game text document,to write the desired console command to rename the User.CFG I looked on the Internet, found that Andromeda is description. PostProcess.SpriteDofHalfResolutionEnable RenderDevice.StereoSoldierZoomConvergenceScale WorldRender.LightTileCombineOutdoorLightEnable WorldRender.EmitterSunTransmittanceResolution WorldRender.EmitterSunTransmittanceMapEnabled List of Console commands (Mass Effect: Andromeda)Ĭonsole commands in the game, if someone you need to configure your config.