Whenever the weapon is shouldered, the recoil is distributed properly. Unlike most rifles, the AMR was designed from the ground up to be used at long and extreme ranges: It lacks any kind of sights, featuring instead a mounting rail for high powered scopes and a forward bipod mount. dmg/attack The final design was a modular anti-materiel rifle which could be easily re-chambered for 14.5x114mm Soviet o… weight This page was last edited on 13 September 2018, at 09:20. Those tests are made with FWE there adds more weapon damage. Guns 100 BOOYA! skill When fired from the hip (without aiming), the resulting recoil from the weapon's large-caliber will result in the user being pushed slightly backward (evident in third-person view). ammo/shot Fallout: New Vegas weapon Other An anti-materiel rifle is a heavy sniper rifle intended for use against enemy materiel, that is, ordnance and equipment including explosives, vehicles, light armor, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and more. Anti-materiel rifleBolt/lever/pump-action guns 11:58am YCS/186 vs anti-material rifle? It functions very much the same as the standard anti-materiel rifle with increased damage, health and no spread. I recommend Christine's silenced Sniper Rifle or the Energy Weapon 'Holorifle' instead of the anti materiel rifle. 50 caliber bolt-action sniper rifle that is designed for use against military equipment (or \"materiel\" in military terminology). perks (rel.) Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and … This weapon is a. The magnification level of the scope is 3.13x.

crit dmg As such, the AMR has extremely high damage and low spread and comes pre-equippe… The sniper rifle with AP ammo tears Deathclaws up pretty good. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. 95 0.015 Have you seen what one of those anti-materiel rifles can do to a. A very powerful weapon, the Anti-Materiel Rifle requires 8 Strength to use with any real efficiency.

Fallout anti materiel rifle General Discussions > Topic Details.