Thankfully, the community surrounding Fallout 4 is as active as with any Bethesda game, and there are plenty of mods out there to make it a bit more like the much-loved Hardcore mode of Fallout: New Vegas. If you're looking to reignite that sense of fear and trepidation you had when first playing Fallout 4, then you need to turn it into a bit more of a survival game, where hunger and thirst are constant worries, radiation could prove lethal, and a single stray bullet could end your life. In fact, you could say that things have got a little bit too comfortable for wasteland wanderers these days, as we've repopulated all the possible settlements throughout the land, cranked our power armours to the max, and have raiders fleeing at the sight of us.

Fallout 4 Review We've now spent solid three months blasting our way through Fallout 4's vaults, factories and wastelands - of both the urban and rural varieties - and for some of us post-nuclear Boston is starting pretty familiar, as if it were our giant, stinking irradiated backyard.